TJMS Announces Fourth Weekly Hercules Scholar For Grambling State University


On the Tom Joyner Morning Show earlier this morning, Tom Joyner announced the fourth and final Hercules Scholar for Grambling State University.

Introducing DeVante Jackson, a Management major with a 3.74 GPA.

Mr. Jackson hails from Delhi, Louisiana and plans to be a Physical Education Trainer and fitness center owner.

A church musician, a participant in the Relay for Life and a member of the Management Club and the National Society of Leadership and Success (Sigma Alpha Pi), DeVante strives to accomplish the things in life his mother did not have a chance to accomplish before her death.  He wants to make her proud.

When asked about his future, DeVante wrote that he believes “being happy will make you healthy; being wise will make you wealthy; and, with faith in God, nothing is impossible.”

In case you missed it, you can hear the complete broadcast at .  The Hercules Scholar’s profile will also be posted online at

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Tom Joyner Foundation
RE:  Grambling State University
P. O. Box 630495
Irving, TX  75063-0495