Join Us For The 2014 HBCU Skate For Scholarships



To All HBCU Alums, Greeks and Friends…it’s time for the “Rep Your Era Showdown- HBCU Skate for Scholarships”.  Remember going to the skating rink on Saturday afternoons with your “crew” back in the day?…there was backwards skate, couples skate, races and even Simon Says…or at Grambling, we had the midnight skate parties in Monroe.

Well, we’re looking for you on Saturday, June 28th at Dad’s Broadway Skateland (3022 Moon Drive) in Mesquite from 7:00 to 10:00 PM to represent your favorite HBCU.  Enjoy music DJ Ooo-Wee.  Tickets are available online at or any Collie J. Nicholson Chapter member for $12.00 until Saturday, June 21st.  Tickets are $15.00 at the door.  You don’t want to miss this!

All proceeds benefit the Collie J. Nicholson Chapter Scholarship Fund.